Welcome to the Seventh Issue of Our Class of ’74 Reunion Newsletter!

With our 50th Reunion less than three weeks away, we’ve devoted this issue of our Newsletter to making sure you have all the information you will need to enjoy the upcoming event. Here are the basic details:
Attendance: Thus far, we have over 150 classmates registered to attend. Click here to see who’s already said they’re coming. If you’d like to reach out to old friends you see on that list prior to the event, you can find contact information in the Alumni Directory.
Registration: If you haven’t yet registered, we encourage you to do so here, as soon as possible.
- Interest in our reunion has been so strong that rooms in the Watson dorm have all been reserved and some classmates have been placed in other dorms around campus, which are being shared by reunion attendees from other classes as well.
- Those of you staying on campus will have recently received an email confirming your housing location. There is currently a waitlist for campus housing. It’s very possible that, if you are waitlisted, you will need to stay off campus and we suggest you book alternative arrangements. We hope this won’t discourage you from attending this “once in a lifetime” event. There are many comfortable potential lodging options within driving distance. If the cost of the outside lodging would be a financial burden that would keep you from attending, please check out the info on attendance support (“a little help from our friends”). Please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 800-729-2586 or alumni-office@carleton.edu with any questions.
- Shuttle bus service is being arranged, for a small fee, to and from the Minneapolis airport at various times on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. You can reserve a seat on one of these on the registration page.
Event Schedule: The Reunion event will run from Thursday afternoon through Sunday noon. Our Class of ’74 Program Committee has been developing a variety of offerings designed to be of specific interest to our classmates. In addition, there will be a wide range of all-alumni activities throughout the weekend. But there will also be time, and space, to simply relax and enjoy each other’s company. You will find the Class of ’74 events outlined in the “Update from the Program Committee” article in the newsletter below, or click here. The full reunion schedule is on the Class of ’74 website.
Check In: Attendees from the Class of ’74 can check in at Watson Hall on Thursday from 3:00 – 10:00 p.m. and on Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Those arriving after 1:00 p.m. on Friday should check in at Sayles-Hill Campus Center.
Information: More information about Reunion 2024 is available online. If you have questions about registration or about the reunion in general, you can also email Alumni Relations or call 800-729-2586 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.
It’s hard to believe the Big Event is almost here – we look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!
Outreach Committee Chairs: Kristine Larson Brown, Chris Helm, Mary Sanders Jones