Meeting Down the Road

29 July 2024

Getting together with classmates was fun and energizing! Many have commented that they’d like to keep the energy and comradery going, on a more casual basis, now that the reunion event has passed. Two of the Reunion sessions in particular, “Reflecting on the Future,” which was held in the World Cafe format on Saturday afternoon, and the “Key Moments from Our Life Journeys” program held in the tent on Saturday evening, might be good platforms from which to launch additional, informal discussions — over Zoom or in person. As you may recall, the first of these involved group discussions covering a wide range of classmates’ current pursuits, from sharing family history to improving personal well-being, to finding ways to give back in the community. During the second session, several individual classmates shared some fascinating stories from their own life experience. If you would be interested in pursuing something along these lines, or have further ideas, let us know in the comments bar, or send us an email at . We’ll keep you posted on further developments.

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