Posts tagged with “Newsletter” (All posts)

  • An Interview with Classmate Sharon Hutchinson
    by Mercy Russell

    Sharon Hutchinson arrived at Carleton from Mamaroneck, New York, delighting in the freedom to read, study and explore.  After working with professor Paul Reisman on an independent study of the Zulu during a year in South Africa, she fell in love with anthropology. In graduate school for African studies, her training in Arabic took her on a path that led to South Sudan. There she undertook an immersion in the culture and language of the Nuer and Dinka which have become the centerpiece of her career as an academic and human rights activist. She has woven the disruptions of two civil wars since then into her conceptualization of how cultures adapt in a changing world. In retirement from the University of Wisconsin, she has begun publishing books to share the Nuer language and Dinka stories with the South Sudanese natives and diaspora. In this interview, Sharon shares the adventures, discoveries, and challenges of navigating her academic career, fieldwork in Africa and a family. 

  • Memory Lane

    March 2024

    Classical Music on Campus
    By Dick Marchessault

    Many of you probably remember the seemingly endless delays in the construction of the Music and Drama Center. Completion was promised early in our freshman year, but it was not until 1971 before the buildings were ready for performances. The new theater-in-the round design of the Drama Center caught our attention, but many people also remember the large new Concert Hall with an impressive pipe organ and ample space for a variety of musical performances. We would soon discover that this new performance space opened up opportunities for us to enjoy the amazing musical talents of our classmates and faculty members. There were dozens of classical recitals and concerts offered in the Concert Hall every year, and for many of us, these musical experiences provided some of the most memorable parts of our Carleton experience.

  • Is it too late to get your story into the Reunion Bio Book?
    By Richard Armstrong

    Is it too late to get your life story into the Carleton 50th Reunion Bio Book?

    Well, yes and no.  

    Yes it is, in fact, too late to get into the printed version of the book.  The deadline for the printed book was February 15th.  That’s the bad news.

    The good news is the digital version remains open to accept new bios and it will stay open up to—and beyond—the reunion in June.

  • Side Trips

    March 2024

    One Classmate’s Thoughts on Friendship and Remembrance
    By Jeff Slocum

    My niece, Jane Caffrey ’08, was editor of the Carletonian her Senior year.  That spring, she and I had spoken about an idea she had for a series about the people behind the names adorning the buildings on campus.  She had called me because she knew I had worked for the Development Office in my youth, and part of my job was to know something about Carleton’s history and major supporters over the years.  I liked her idea, but thought she should broaden the topic to include smaller memorial markings around campus, and specifically mentioned the bench in front of Sayles-Hill that a number of friends had placed in memory of my old roommate, Pat Kinney.  Jane asked me to write a letter to her about Pat, which I promised to do.  What started as a simple idea became for me something more emotional and cathartic, and Jane kindly published it.  Carleton’s academic stature rightly is the focus of attention when insiders and outsiders consider the College, but there is also a powerful student experience that occurs beyond the classroom, and I hope my account of my relationship with Pat serves as a reminder to our classmates of their own exceptional experiences and relationships that have materially shaped their lives.

    Read Jeff’s letter as published in the May 30, 2008, Carletonian

  • Final Thoughts

    March 2024

    That’s it from us for now.  We hope you enjoy these early days of Spring.  June will be here before we know it, so don’t forget to register soon for our 50th Reunion.  We’ll see you in Northfield – it’s going to be amazing!

    Send us your questions, comments and ideas for future issues, and the reunion itself, at, or in the comments bar below.

  • Reaching Out Across the Miles

    January 2024

    Welcome to the Fourth Issue of Our Class of ’74 Reunion Newsletter!

    Here we are at the start of another new year – time to gather our energy and get ready to jump into new plans, projects, and pursuits. In this issue of the newsletter, you’ll find articles reflecting a variety of our classmates’ diverse interests – from the curating of an invaluable collection of photographs documenting the Black student experience at Carleton to a look at women’s sports during the Title IX era, and a thoughtful look back at many of the concerts we enjoyed (or not) during our years on campus.  You can also enjoy an interview with Ted and Jean Reynolds Dunham and delve into the wealth of great life stories that are being added to the Reunion Bio Book.  We hope these offerings will bring back good memories from our Carleton days and spark your own interest in catching up with classmates in person to learn more about what they’ve been doing over the years since leaving Carleton.  As you build your calendar for the year ahead, don’t forget to hold June 13-16 for our 50th Reunion in Northfield.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Until then, Happy New Year!

     Reunion Outreach Committee:  Kristine Larson Brown, Chris Helm, Mary Sanders Jones

  • Reunion Roadmap

    January 2024

    Navigating the Road to Reunion

    Reunion Event Details:

    When: June 13-16, 2024
    Where: Carleton College Campus in Northfield, Minnesota
    Accommodations: Class of ’74 Participants will be housed in Watson Hall (with elevators!)
    Cost to Attend: 50th Reunion alumni (and their spouses/partners) pay a fee of only $50 per adult for the full weekend (including all meals, events, and housing).
    How to Register: Registration will open on the Class of ’74 website in March 2024
    Tell Your Classmates You’re Coming!

  • The 50th Reunion Program Committee wants to hear from you! More importantly, we want our classmates to hear from each other. We have a number of activities planned for the reunion weekend, with two of these focused on sharing: a group poetry reading and a chance to exchange stories from our lives.

  • Dear classmates,

    With six months still remaining before our reunion, we are speeding along toward our ambitious Class of ’74 gift goals. At our 50th, we have set our sights on establishing a $1 million Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship and raising $1 million in cash commitments for Student Health and Counseling, with the help of generous matching funds.

  • Remembering Our Deceased Classmates

    January 2024

    As we’ve mentioned in prior communications, 60 of our classmates have passed away since we graduated in 1974, and we are making plans to honor and remember them in several ways. There will be a memorial service during the reunion weekend as well as a special section in our Reunion Bio Book. We are also developing a “Farewells” album on the “Carleton Memories” Flickr site available on our reunion website. Unfortunately, we still don’t have any information, photos, or personal comments for 23 of these deceased classmates.  You can see the list of their names here.  Please check out the list and send your remembrances, information, or photos to our committee at or enter a comment on the Carleton Class of ’74 Farewells page. We will take it from there to ensure their memories are honored.


  • Newsletter (Current Category)