Posts tagged with “Newsletter” (All posts)
Update from the Program Committee
May 2024The Program Committee is looking forward to seeing everybody at Reunion. View a brief summary of the activities that will be of particular interest to our class, activities specifically organized or driven by our class committee are highlighted in bold. You can download this schedule summary. The full Reunion schedule includes many other College-organized activities that may also interest you. To make it easy for you to navigate, the college Reunion team has created filters for the events page that allow you to locate events by date, by class, or by topic. Just click on one of these filters, found across the top of the page, to drill down to the more tailored schedule.
To help you find your way to these various events around the college, you can find a map of the Carleton campus.
Reunion FAQ’s
May 2024Some of you have come to several reunions in the past and have a good sense of the arrangements and the accommodations, while others may not have been back to the College for some time. Regardless of past experiences, many people have questions and are looking for information that would help them to prepare for the days on campus.
Update from the Gift Committee
May 2024We are deeply grateful to all who have given to our 50th class gift, and we are glad that so many of you will be with us in Skinner Chapel as we present our gift to Carleton. As gift committee member Jim Bonhivert recently said, “Now it’s our turn to show our love for Carleton.” It will be celebratory moment not to be missed!
The Playlist
May 2024Music for the Journey
Over the past year, classmates have been entering their favorite songs from our time at Carleton into our Class Playlist. The list now includes 63 titles, and, while several entries received multiple “votes,” it’s a pretty eclectic representation of the diverse sounds of the time. Click here to read more and to get the link to our Spotify playlist.
Have You Added Your Own Story to the Saga of ’74?
So far, more than 180 of your classmates have posted their bios, and the hard copy edition of the story of the Class of 1974 has been mailed out to every classmate for whom we have an address. (If you haven’t received it, just send us a note at and we’ll get a copy out to you.) You can also read all the stories in the Bio Book online. In fact, the digital version remains open to accept new bios and it will stay open up to—and beyond—the reunion in June. So, if you haven’t yet added your own story to the mix you still have a chance to share your part of the saga.
Posting your bio is literally as easy as one, two, three:
Final Thoughts
May 2024That’s it from us for now. We look forward to getting together in person in just a few weeks to share memories, learn about what’s been going on in everyone’s life these past many years, and find out about plans for the future. See you in Northfield in June!
Send us your questions and comments at, or in the comments bar.
Reaching Out Across the Miles
April 2024Welcome to the Sixth Issue of Our Class of ’74 Reunion Newsletter!
It’s the end of April already and Spring is well along. Our Class of 1974 50th Reunion is less than seven weeks away! Enthusiasm for the event has been high and plans are really shaping up.
Reunion Event Details
April 2024Navigating the Road to Reunion
When: June 13-16, 2024
Where: Carleton College Campus in Northfield, Minnesota
Accommodations: Class of ’74 will be housed in Watson Hall on a first-come-first-serve basis
Cost to Attend: $50 per adult for 50th Reunion alumni and spouse/guest for the full weekend
How to Register: Visit the Registration tab on the Class of ’74 website
Who’s Coming to Reunion: See who’s already registered to attend. -
Update from the Program Committee
April 2024The 50th Reunion Program Committee has been busy developing a broad array of activities that will hopefully be of particular interest to our ‘74 classmates. The entire reunion schedule can be viewed on our reunion website, and you can also read about the Class of ’74 program in more detail in our March newsletter. Click through to read about two very special events planned for the weekend.
Update from the Gift Committee
April 2024Our gift committee has exciting updates to share as we enter the final month of our 50th Reunion gift campaign. We want to have all gifts made by May 31…
- Newsletter (Current Category)