Photos from the Reunion Event
Our 50th Reunion was a smashing success and we have the photos to prove it! From the reception hosted by President Byerly at Nutting House on Thursday afternoon to the beautiful and moving memorial service near the Japanese Garden on Sunday morning, all of the weekend events were skillfully documented by Sam Stern, Steve Braun, and several college photographers. Many of those photos have already been posted on Facebook, so if you follow the “Carleton College” or the “Carleton Class of 74” Facebook pages, you may already have seen the excellent work of these skilled photographers.
Since we know that not all classmates use Facebook, we have selected many representative photos from our reunion weekend and uploaded them to our “Carleton Memories” Flickr photo portfolio. We created a new album titled “50th Reunion” and you can view the photos by clicking this link.
We have begun to identify the people and events depicted in the photos, but we would love to have you help us by adding any additional comments. The process is easy and does not require any log-in or password information. Just click any selected photo, type your own comments or memories, and click the “Add Comment” button.
We will continue to add additional images to this album in the days ahead. Our thanks again to Sam Stern for sharing so many great photos and to Steve Braun and the college student photographers for capturing these photographic memories of our 50th reunion.
Note: in addition to the curated album of reunion photos referenced above, the complete collection of all 50th reunion photos can be accessed through this link.
A Special Plea: Our Classmate, Steve Braun, left his hard copy collection of Carleton photographs on a table in the Watson Lounge for all to enjoy during the reunion. Many of these were inadvertently taken by those who didn’t realize they were his only copies. If you have any of these photos, please contact the Reunion team at The photos mean a great deal to him and he would very much like to have them back. Thank you!