“The universe,” says Muriel Rukeyser, “is made of stories, not of atoms.”
If you have a story that ties in with the theme of an upcoming newsletter (or know another ‘72er who fits the bill), we’d love to hear from you.
Submissions should be no longer than 375 words and accompanied by a high resolution current photo of yourself.
While this first newsletter is being mailed to everyone for whom we have snail mail addresses, future ones will be available for the most part only online. Submissions will be subject to editing for length and style.
Send your contributions to njashmore@gmail.com.
MAY / Deadline —April 1
What are you doing for pure enjoyment? How did you find your avocation and would it surprise your younger self?
AUGUST / Deadline —July 1
Have you spent an extended time in another country? Share your experiences working and living abroad.
NOVEMBER /Deadline —October 1
Who are the people bringing beauty to our lives? Let’s hear from the artists in our class.