Posts tagged with “Class of ’72 Newsletter” (All posts)
Susan Terwilliger: On the Run, Volunteering
April 2021During the last 10 years, I’ve become an avid runner. I did the Richmond (VA) Marathon in 2018 and 2019. I don’t know where the desire to run came from. At Carleton, I remember thinking (erroneously) that there were the jocks and there were the rest of us…
Looking Ahead
April 2021Everybody has a story — and we want to hear yours. Write the story yourself or be interviewed: your choice. Submissions should be no longer than 375 words and accompanied…
But Wait! There’s More!
April 2021Check out the virtual events that are coming up this spring and summer!
Join the Fun…
April 2021Discover the multitude of ways you can get involved!
Who are we? Responses to the survey created by John Vogel and Shirley Anderson Brantingham reveal that we’re an interesting bunch. As Shirley, who summarized the results, put it, “Sex, drugs and rock and roll are thought to have heavily influenced the music of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Based on this survey, the long-term music influences on the Carleton Class of ’72 would be better described as Love, Peace and Classic Rock and Folk.” “Bridge over Troubled Water” got 64% of the thumbs ups among the songs listed in the survey, with “Like a Rolling Stone” getting 53%. According to the 140 survey respondents, many of us are still listening to music but more than half do so via streaming services or recordings on computers and smart phones. Volunteers are putting together a class playlist, which will be distributed later this year…
In June of 2022, our class will have the opportunity to see each other in person. As time moves quickly for our age group, a year and a half seems…
What a time it was…
February 2021Our vinyl record-themed class logo came about because the early reunion planners couldn’t identify one song that epitomized our experience at Carleton. There is simply too much great music from…
To 2022…and Beyond:
February 2021How Terribly Strange Grand to Be Seventy Few of us gave much thought in 1972, I suspect, to what it would be like to be a septuagenarian. I know I…
In 1971-72, the Carleton vegetarian food program started a two-acre garden plot for farm-to-table freshness and served dinner to 125 people. Coordinating the program changed the course of Scott Parsons’…
Jane Pflughoeft Plowman: Laughter is the Best Medicine
February 2021If part of healthy aging is maintaining a good sense of perspective and humor, Jane Pflughoeft Plowman is well on her way. Jane spent most of her post-Carleton adulthood…
- Class of ’72 Newsletter (Current Category)