Posts tagged with “Connect with ’65” (All posts)
In early 2013, when we agreed to take the helm in organizing and planning the Carleton Class of 65’s 50th Reunion, we had great dreams—of attracting classmates back to the campus to renew friendships, attending fascinating programs and workshops featuring classmates, and recreating memories of ourselves as young 18-year-olds starting out on a new adventure. And mostly we wanted everybody to feel welcomed and have fun.
Well, our dreams were not only realized but surpassed. The Class of ’65 50th Reunion was awesome!!!!!
The excellent programs presented by members of the Class of ’65 included a wide variety of topics. A few were recorded (see the links below) and they are well worth a listen. While it was not possible to record the others, those attending enjoyed them immensely. (Follow the link to the reunion photos to see that.) Many, many classmates spent innumerable hours preparing these presentations, and we are all grateful for their shared talents and time!
What a wonderful weekend spent with all of you in June. For those of you who were not able to be with us, you were missed, but we wanted to bring some of the celebration to you from where you are.
Gifts of all sizes make a difference and will help us reach our goal of 75% participation in giving. Your support will help boost the Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund. If you haven’t given yet this year, make your gift by May 31, or better yet, today!
Mike Baum and Laurel Kimball, and the rest of the gift committee, ask you to reflect on your time at Carleton during this milestone reunion and give in support of future students. You can make your gift with a credit/debit card here.
We’ll be singing at Reunion
15 May 2015May 2015We hope you are practicing!
Don’t Think Twice, We’re All Knights
To the Tune of “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright”
words, by Charlie Brook ’65 -
Classmates Jan Mitchell and Sarah Hawthorne Jones were in the audience Friday May 15th as ’65 classmate Pam Parker, now known as Chude Allen, delivered a convocation presentation in Skinner Memorial Chapel. She read memoirs reflecting on her experience as a student at Carleton, her semester as an exchange student at Spelman College in Atlanta and her summer of ’64 when she was part of the Mississippi Freedom Movement as well as her subsequent activism in both African-American and women’s rights. She also responded to questions from students in the audience. Here is a link to her thought-provoking and challenging presentation.
We are happy to report that one of the lost, Ron Sanders, has been found. When we first began working on our 50th Reunion, Carleton provided us with a list of Lost Classmates, some of whom had dropped off the database many years ago. We worked hard to find some of these folks and did find a few. However, many of these classmates have proven elusive.
If you’re a birder (or not) you’re in for a treat Saturday morning from 6:30 – 7:30 when local bird enthusiast and blogger, Penny Hillemann, leads an Arb birding hike for our class. Penny has lived in Northfield almost 25 years, exploring the birds and plants all over the local area. She knows the Arb well—perhaps even better than we did back in the day, when we hiked it, biked it and picnicked in it. She is also a gifted photographer and writer: a visit to her blog——is well worth the time. There are several blogs about the arboretum archived on her site.
Remember to register for Reunion by May 1 to get the 5% early bird discount.
Last March we shared our video: Top Ten Reasons why you SHOULD return to your 50th Reunion. Now we present our new video: Top Ten (lamest) Reasons for Not Attending Reunion.
As we struggled to shelter our tender noses from frostbite during the Minnesota winter, little did we realize what an important organ we were protecting! The two of us have spent significant portions of our careers researching the sense of smell in humans and other animals. We’d like to tell you about our findings and their potential implications for human health in a program scheduled for Saturday, June 20 from 8:30 to 9:30 am. You’ll be able to grab some coffee and pastries to enjoy (via smell, taste and other sensory channels) while you listen to our talks.
Gary Beauchamp and Michael Baum