Upcoming Off Campus Studies Opportunity

History, Culture, and Commerce: Africa and Arabia – Spring 2024

Explore archaeological and heritage sites in Zanzibar, Oman, and Bahrain that form an important contact zone in the Indian Ocean World. The program offers a unique view of the rich and living legacies of cultural and commercial exchange between Africa and Arabia in the past and present. Application deadline, Monday, April 17, 2023.

Informational session for the Spring 2024 program will take place on Tuesday, October 18th at 7:00 p.m. in Leighton 304. Come learn more about the program and ask questions!

Carleton offers a term-long off-campus program in Tanzania and Ethiopia that features courses on wildlife conservation, agriculture, and cultural studies.

The Africana Studies department has offered study abroad opportunities during the past two winter breaks: one in Dubai focusing on Afro-Arab women’s history, and the other in Ghana focusing on history, memory, and the Atlantic world in Ghana and the United States. Additionally, in Spring 2022, Professor Thabiti Willis offered an Off Campus Studies course featuring African Diaspora in Arabia and the History, Culture and Commerce Program: Heritage in Africa and Arabia.

In addition to Carleton’s off-campus study programs, students can receive full academic credit for dozens of consortia programs all over the world. Carleton is committed to making off-campus study easy and rewarding.