Support for Student Success
Sure, college will be rigorous. But we've got the resources to help you succeed.
Sure, college will be rigorous. But we've got the resources to help you succeed.
Carleton academics are designed to challenge you. To help you meet that challenge, we offer many sources of support. Faculty members hold regular office hours to expand on class topics and build connections with students. The Writing Center helps you draft and edit papers. The Math Skills Center helps you derive mathematical solutions. And student department advisers and teaching assistants help you turn questions into understanding.
Standout Faculty
They are respected scholars, scientists, artists, and researchers. Carleton faculty members are at the forefront of their academic fields. Yet it’s in the classroom where their love of learning shines brightest. Our professors value questions and curiosity, collaboration and teamwork, experiments and reflection. They foster a vital learning community for students and teachers alike. At Carleton, teaching and learning don’t stop when you leave the classroom and neither does your relationship with your professors. Faculty members lead off-campus studies trips, host dinners and social gatherings in their homes, and participate in extracurricular activities. Your teachers care about you as a person because they know you as more than a student.
Academic Support Center
Adjusting to college-level studies can take some work. The Academic Support Center will help you with time management, critical thinking, and study strategies. Our academic support staff members are listeners, guides, and facilitators. They ensure that nothing stands in your way as you build your capacity to be an active learner.
TRIO offers academic, personal, and financial support to low-income and first-generation college students, and to students who have a documented disability. Located in a cozy on-campus house, TRIO at Carleton is more than a program — it’s a community of friends who support one another from their first day on campus. At the TRIO house, students are welcome to relax, study, or just enjoy delicious goodies from the kitchen. TRIO also offers leadership opportunities for students who want to serve as guides and mentors to the younger students who follow in their footsteps.
Career Center
Under the guidance of committed staff members in the Career Center, students leave Carleton well-prepared to launch their career or enroll in graduate school. Exploratory programs dive into different fields. Networking activities connect you with alumni who are working in a variety of interesting professions. Internship and externship opportunities give you real-world experience. Alumni host informational interviews on campus or in their own towns and cities. The Career Center also hosts a variety of career-enhancing programs during spring and winter breaks in exciting cities like New York, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. Don’t wait until senior year. Get acquainted with Career Center staff members and programs during your first term on campus.
Off-Campus Studies
Our students love to travel and we make it easy for them to realize their dreams. We offer a wide selection of trips for study around the world. Many Carleton faculty members lead programs that support on-campus coursework. Staff members in our Off-Campus Studies office are eager to help you connect your academic interests to the world at large. In a recent academic year, Carls participated in 105 different programs in 45 countries. Many students report that their off-campus studies experiences changed the course of their lives. Carleton’s trimester system makes it easy for you to take advantage of off-campus learning opportunities. Best of all, your Carleton tuition and fees cover all costs associated with any Carleton-sponsored trip (with the exception of travel expenses).
Student Fellowships
Many Carleton students will pursue research during their time here. Each year, Carleton students are awarded some of the most prestigious national and international fellowships for graduate study, language study, teaching and research abroad, and other pursuits. The Office of Student Fellowships helps students explore the available funding opportunities.
Accessibility Resources
We are committed to ensuring equal learning and working opportunities for all Carleton students, regardless of disability status. The Accessibility Resources office works with the community to create barrier-free environments in and outside of the classroom, including academic accommodations.
FOCUS (or Focus On Cultivating Scientists) promotes diversity in STEM fields. In addition to mentoring, textbook loans, and research opportunities, FOCUS makes sure students from underrepresented backgrounds who pursue scientific fields of study get whatever support they need to succeed at Carleton and beyond.
Co-curricular Resources
Our support system extends beyond your academics. You’ll find plenty of resources to help you succeed both inside and outside the classroom. Some of these programs include the Office of Intercultural Life, the Office of International Student Life, TRIO, the Gender and Sexuality Center, the Carleton Chaplaincy, Student Health and Counseling, the Title IX Lead Team, Student Activities, and the Center for Community and Civic Engagement.