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What I Have Learned

Jelilat's back earlier than expected with a bonus blog about the life lessons she learned at the PossePlus retreat.

Jelilat's back earlier than expected with a bonus blog about the life lessons she learned at the PossePlus retreat.

SO, out of the generosity of my heart (and my confusion regarding the start of the trimester and my pay period), I have a bonus blog for you all. You’re welcome in advance.

This weekend, as I told you before, I attended the PossePlus retreat. I took a few ideas back with me.

First, I must live my life. Regardless of the boundaries or limitations imposed upon me, I have to care about myself enough to live a life I love. Life is so short, and I no longer want to dedicate my time and energy toward things that do not serve me nor enrich my experience as a Black woman. As a college student, I must consciously decide to build a life that is beautiful to me irrespective of others’ perceptions.

Likewise, I recognized quite a few areas that I believe need attention and exploration. In particular, I felt the stress and crippling nature of rejection. As a (likely) type A person, rejection does not settle well with me. However, I recognize that rejection is an essential part of being a real person and living a life worth living.

Further, I have come to terms with the fact that I am an elderly person in disguise. I own orthopedic sneakers, enjoy doing Sun-Salutations in the middle of the woods, and seem to be experiencing early on-set menopause (I know. We’ll talk later once I have more information).

Now that I have bared my soul, I leave you with a question I always pose for myself: Who are you performing for? What are you trying to prove?

See you soon,

As a selectively-proud Houstonian, Jelilat is undecided in her major, and could be more concerned about her life after college. Meh. She’ll get there. She enjoys thriller novels, compulsive online shopping, and skipping the “It” movie advertisements when they come on. Jelilat also enjoys taking #OutfitofTheDay pics, spending time with people with very loud laughs, and learning more about her fellow peers’ experiences, interests, and perspectives.