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What I do to Destress After Tough Weeks

Including, but not limited to, hacking my best friend’s Disney+ account.

Including, but not limited to, hacking my best friend’s Disney+ account.

Some days in college can be really draining! For me, this means that sometimes I just can’t handle braving the busy dining halls for dinner, or that I need to be done with homework early for the day.


Here are some ways I cope!

When I can, I like to get as much work done as I can because this makes me feel a lot less stressed. If I have a checklist of things I need to do for the day, I try to cross off some of the easy stuff first, like writing emails. This makes me feel accomplished, and after that I find it a little bit easier to move onto the more time-consuming tasks. Sometimes, though, you just aren’t in the right headspace to do this. This is when I would recommend…


Giving yourself a break!

Even if it’s just something little.


Last night, I painted my nails (with the ability of a four-year-old), and did my makeup for the first time in a while. This little bit of self-care really impacted my mindset for the rest of my day.


Know that it is never too late to restart your day! Sometimes all you need is a yummy muffin, some good music, and a warm blanket to reset your mood.


Maybe start a project without worry of pressure or deadlines. I recently started crocheting, and it’s a nice mindless task I can do to feel at least a little bit productive!


Sometimes, talking to my friends can help me relax, too. As an introvert, I have to find a balance between this and spending time alone, but being with people I trust can help me feel a little more at peace.


Don’t be afraid to let yourself act “childish.”

If stuffed animals bring you joy, snuggle them! If you, like me, need to watch How to Train Your Dragon to give yourself a needed cry, go for it! If you just really feel like mindlessly running around the arb (even though you’re not a runner) do it! Your mental health matters just as much as your academics—sometimes, it’s the little things.


My favorite self-care strategy is to treat myself like a little kid. For me, this includes doing things like…

Preparing easy, kid-friendly meals for myself. I recommend keeping easy comfort foods in your room for cases like this! My go-to is oatmeal with some frozen fruit. This also helps me avoid the dining hall, which can be very overwhelming if I’m already having a stressful day.


Turning on a mindless and lighthearted movie or show. Yes, I am 18. Yes, I proudly admit to watching and re-watching Lilo and Stitch, Tangled, and Gravity Falls. Whenever I’m stressed, turning these on calms me down: the animation is simple; the story is fun and easy to follow. (Here, I am obligated to give my best friend a shout-out for letting me hack into her Disney+ account almost every day!)


Laying in my bed with approximately eight blankets on me, plus some stuffed animals. I would also recommend listening to your favorite playlist during this time.


Your mental health matters here at Carleton.

I hope I was able to give you some insight into what taking care of yourself looks like as a freshman here!


Erin grew up catching salamanders, recklessly climbing trees, and running around barefoot in the Appalachian Mountains in a small town in North Carolina. This is her first year at Carleton, and she’s looking forward to meeting new people, exploring campus (especially the arb!), and experiencing her first Minnesota winter. She is currently interested in studying psychology and gender, women’s, and sexuality studies. Meet the other bloggers!