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Something Old, Something New Pt 1

Hannah dives into the new spring term with an old hobby.

Hannah dives into the new spring term with an old hobby.

Spring Term begins!

We are back again for spring term, people! Though I am only a week into this term, I have a feeling that this is going to be the best term yet. I have a new batch of classes, the outdoor track season is getting started, flying frisbees are back on the bald spot, and I can’t wait to see the Minnesota spring in all its glory. (A lot of mud starts this process, but once everything turns sunny and green it is one of my favorite parts of the year.)

I have a whole set of new experiences this term, including my first STEM and lab class here at Carleton. (Stay turned for Something Old, Something New Pt 2 to hear all about my experience in Geology.) However, I also decided to bring something back from high school into this term… flute lessons!

Some background…

I started playing the flute all the way back in 5th grade, and was in my school’s band until my senior year. That year, I was unable to participate because it conflicted with one of the required classes. Throughout my high school and middle school years I was in orchestra, choir, and musical theatre. When I came to Carleton, I did not expect to be involved in anything music related. I decided to focus on my academic interests that I planned to major in, my work study, sports, and whatever other clubs I joined.

Plot twist:

Despite these expectations of a lack of music, here I am registered for MUSC159 with the lovely Martha Jamsa. Though I have only had one lesson so far I am so glad that I decided to register for them. I didn’t realize how much I missed having music as a stress outlet! (Though occasionally I suppose it creates a different type of stress when the notes come out all horribly wrong.)

The outside of the Weitz on a sunny day
The beautiful Weitz Center for Creativity!

Now, when I need a break from my reading/writing/problem solving, I have another activity that not only is productive but also provides a change of scenery. Every couple days or so I had over to a practice room to work on the piece that Martha has chosen for me. Since I am now a ~music student~ I have started to utilize the practice rooms within the Weitz Center for Creativity. The building has also become a more frequently used study space for me this term. Shoutout to the snow for melting so I can use my bike instead of walking for 10 minutes.

What does a lesson look like?

So, how do lessons work? There are two types of lessons you can have. You can either have a juried lesson, which can be longer and you receive a grade at the end of the term. Or, you can have an unjuried lesson (which is what I am in right now). My lessons are once a week for 30 minutes, though there are longer options as well. Though lessons have a cost, if financial constraints are a concern for you, you can request aid through the financial aid office to cover the cost of your lesson.

Currently because of COVID-19, my lesson is in one of the large practice halls in Weitz. I get to wear a very strange looking mask that I stick my flute into to play.

Here I am in a practice room with my funky flute mask!

Though wow am I rusty, I have had a lot of fun playing my flute again. I definitely will need quite a lot of practice to get back to where I was almost two years ago! That’s okay, though. It’s all part of the learning process.

In conclusion…

Moral of the story, while there will be a ton of new experiences for you to try, you also have the chance to pick old things back up again. So if there is a hobby or activity you have long abandoned, and you see there is the chance to participate on campus, check it out! You won’t regret it for a second.

Hannah is a freshman interested in Political Science and learning as much as she can about whatever she can. Born and raised in Minnesota, she considers herself somewhat of an expert on MN winters. She can’t wait for ice skating on the Bald Spot and Nordic skiing in the Arb, along with exploring all of the other amazing opportunities and activities on campus! When Hannah isn’t in class, she can be found reading, running for the Carleton Track team, watching TikToks, and tutoring with the Northfield Read and Counts Program. Meet the other bloggers!