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New Year, New Term, New.. Me?

George shares the things he's excited for this next term!

George shares the things he's excited for this next term!

Not really — but a lot has changed for me since fall term! I have all new classes, extracurriculars, jobs, and sports that will hopefully make this winter term special! I figured week two of the term was a great time to lay out what I’m excited about, and what I will be involved in this upcoming term.

(Mostly) New Classes

george's google calender detailing his courseload this term
My schedule this term

This term I’m taking the usual three 6-credit courses, as well as a 1-credit P.E. Class. My schedule looks something like this:

So far, I love all three of my classes. Latin 102 is the only class that’s not super new this term, as I took Latin 101 in the fall, but I’m happy to continue learning the language and developing my skills further.

My two new classes are Principles of Chemistry I (CHEM 123), and Trees, Forests, & Climate Justice (ENTS 318). These classes are super different; CHEM 123 is a science-heavy stem class, and ENTS 318 is a literature and art-rich seminar. I’m especially enjoying my ENTS course, as it has a total of 2 (TWO!) students in it. Because of the small size, we can have incredibly in-depth discussions. The class also includes a circa. 25-page research paper later in the term. I’m excited to apply myself through independent research on this scale, as well as explore a specific topic in the Trees/Forests field of Environmental Studies in depth.

New (and old) Clubs

Like fall term, I’m still involved with CANOE club, Climbing Club, KRLX, and Karl’s Ultimate Frisbee. There’s not much new happening with the latter three clubs I’m in, but as of winter term, I’m a part of the CANOE board. This means organizing trips throughout the term, as well as leading and participating in tons of events. This will be my first Minnesota winter, and although I consider myself well acquainted with the cold, I’m sure to experience my coldest day ever this season. There are lots of unique trip opportunities this season, including Book Across the Bay (10km of frozen lake superior to skate, ski, or walk over), Ice Climbing, and Menogyn (dogsledding in northern Minnesota).

book across the bay
Book across the Bay a few years ago!

Although Carleton has a bouldering cave and a big wall for climbing, the Climbing Club also funds several trips to bigger climbing gyms in the twin cities for FREE! I’ll be going to Vertical Endeavors this weekend, and I’m pumped to explore a new climbing gym.

St. Paul, MN | Vertical Endeavors
Vertical Endeavors climbing gym

The Weather??

As someone who loves both the winter and the cold, I’m more than excited about the weather this winter term. It will be colder and more snowy than New York City, where I’m from, and I’m excited to brave the new season. So far, I’ve felt that winter term brings you a lot closer to your friends rather than leaving you alienated.

That’s a wrap on the top things I’m excited for this term! There will be lots of new experiences and I’m excited to share them all in later blogs. Thanks for reading!

George (he/him) is a freshman interested in Geology, Environmental Studies, and Classics, from New York City. He loves listening to music (currently Big Thief, Belle and Sebastian, and A$AP Rocky), as well as playing the jazz flute and guitar. At Carleton, he’s on the board for Carleton Association of Nature and Outdoor Enthusiasts (CANOE) and hosts a radio show with KRLX. You may see him climbing in the bouldering cave, playing ultimate frisbee for Karls, or thrifting in Northfield. Meet the Other Bloggers!