Mastering the Carleton Schedule
Kate talks about how to build good habits at Carleton.
Kate talks about how to build good habits at Carleton.
Being a Carleton student is a full-time job. You take three classes at a time (although I’ve also taken at least one extracurricular music class each term I’ve been here). It can be hard to figure out how to balance your course load with your extracurriculars and still have time to take care of yourself. This fall, I’ve focused on creating the perfect schedule for me, so here are some tips for anyone who is struggling.
Build a good class schedule
This sounds a bit self-explanatory, but the best way to manage your time is to optimize your class schedule. I am most productive with morning classes, but I am not a morning person, so I stay away from those 8:15 courses. I also like spreading my classes out. I’ve heard people swear by all M/W/F or T/Th classes, but I’ve always had at least one class each day. It naturally spreads the work out, and I also have something to look forward to each morning as I get ready.
Schedule out your work
I know it can seem like you have tons of assignments and they’re all piling up at the same time. I’ve started blocking out my day so I know when I’ll have time to do my assignments. For example, I do my English homework on Wednesday afternoons. Even though it gets assigned on Tuesday, I can relax knowing that I will find time to do it later.
Don’t be afraid to relax
College is difficult. You are living in a new space with entirely new people trying new things. You’re going to feel tired. Allow yourself to relax in whatever way works for you. Whether it’s ordering a pizza and watching YouTube or going for a walk in the arb, allow yourself to decompress after a long day. Don’t feel like you always need to be hanging out with people, or always need to be studying for a future exam (you will have plenty of time to study, I promise).
Schedule Friend Hangouts
I know that this sounds like the nerdiest thing you can do, but I actually do google calendar invites with my friends to confirm when we’re going to hang out. It can be something really nice to look forward to, while also making sure you know what your commitments are. Instead of relying on last minute text messages, you can take the pressure off of everyone by planning in advance, even if it’s just for lunch in the dining hall.
Leave time for Office Hours
We’ve all been there. It’s the night before a test or an assignment is due and you’re asking yourself: why didn’t I go to office hours? Professors have office hours because they want students to stop by. I’ve actually heard a lot of professors complaining that students don’t show up at all. In my first term, I almost dropped a class because I was afraid that I didn’t know what was going on. I met with Adam, my professor, and he not only eased my fears, but he also learned about my interests and pushed me to explore topics that interested me. He would email me sources to look into, and helped me feel more comfortable researching political theory. Even after his class, I would go to his office hours to get major advice. All’s this to say that you shouldn’t be afraid to make time to see your professors in office hours. It might even cut down on your homework or studying time in the future.
This also goes for other campus resources, like the Writing Center, the Quantitative Resource Center (QRC) and Language Center. These resources are really helpful, but usually have specific drop-in hours on certain days of the week. If you can make the time to visit these places, there are a lot of people who would love to help you in whatever way they can.
These are just a few tips on how to fully enjoy your Carleton life. Carleton students are some of the most passionate and caring people that I know, but we can struggle at times with taking care of ourselves first. If you can prioritize your own mental and physical well-being, you’ll be able to fully enjoy all of the courses and clubs that Carleton has to offer.
Kate (she/her) is a sophomore from the Bay Area, California. She loves Carleton’s artsy community, and is involved in both the Theater and Dance department and Vocal Studies Program. Kate’s favorite places on campus are the practice rooms, either in Myers or the Weitz, where she is often making music with her friends. When not in class, you can find Kate either walking in the arb or forcing her friends to watch bad movies in a study room.