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Favorite Classes

Andriana writes about her favorite Carleton classes (so far)!

Andriana writes about her favorite Carleton classes (so far)!

Hello hello!

Today is 8th Friday, which means the end of my junior year (*gasp*) is rapidly approaching! In honor of this moment, I will use this week’s post to reflect on some of my favorite classes at Carleton (so far—still have one year left!).

Let’s start from the beginning!

CCST 100: Growing up Cross-Culturally

This was my Argument & Inquiry (A&I) seminar that I took during my first term at Carleton. It was the class that made me want to minor in cross-cultural studies. The course was essentially an introduction to cultural theory, which we applied to a number of global societies.

It was especially interesting because most/all of the students in the course had a cross-cultural background. Because of this, we were encouraged to apply the cultural theory to our own experiences as well. Throughout the term, we also worked closely with artist 2Fik, which was a very fun and enriching experience.

I loved the course, and the professor was absolutely wonderful!

Laird Hall: home to the English department.

ENGL 218: The Gothic Spirit

This was the first English course that I took at Carleton, also during my fall term freshman year. It was my introduction to the English major, and, well, you can see how that turned out. A few things I remember loving most about the course:

  • It was a really small course—we had about nine students. Because there were so few of us, we quickly grew comfortable with each other and were able to have some great discussions.
  • We read very interesting literature; I had never read any of the novels before, and was fascinated by each one!
  • The professor was so encouraging and helpful throughout the term. She reviewed my essays and gave me feedback before the deadlines, and always made herself available to discuss the material.

SOAN 257: Culture and Politics in India

I took this class as part of my cross-cultural studies minor. (I had also taken Modern Indian Fiction in the English department, and that class made me want to take this one next.) This was another small course—there were only eight of us!—so we also had lots of great discussions.

But what I loved most about this class was the theory. This surprised me, because while I love literature, I often struggle with academic theory readings. We read some really fascinating scholars, though, and I learned so much about global perspectives. One of my favorite units was about western views of India, as it was conducive to some of the best conversations and readings of the term.

I also took the class during the 2020 election, and the professor made a lot of connections between India and the United States. It made the course material feel even more relevant and immediate.

ENGL 295: Critical Methods

This one was another small English class. Critical methods is one of the courses integral to the major, and most English majors take it at the end of sophomore/beginning of junior year. I loved getting to know some of the other majors and had a lot of fun learning about and applying literary theories.

I also really enjoyed the class because of the professor. It was my second course with her, and I had a very positive experience in both. During each course, she was so approachable and covered really interesting material. She is also the professor who taught me how to close read, which I consider to be one of the most valuable skills I’ve learned in the English department!

So many more!

These are only a few of the many wonderful classes I’ve taken at Carleton. I have had such an enriching academic experience here, and I wish I could write about every course I’ve taken. But since I can’t, feel free to email me with any questions you have!

Andriana is a native of Richmond, VA, though her love of snow suggests she might be a northerner at heart. She is in her junior year at Carleton, where she is an English major and a Cross-Cultural Studies minor. When Andriana isn’t busy staying warm in the Minnesotan tundra, you can find her binge-reading, playing music, or watching a favorite movie or show for the umpteenth time. Meet the other bloggers!