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Egg, Meh, and Me

An took a study break to make three badges that represent parts of her.

An took a study break to make three badges that represent parts of her.

On Sunday night of ninth week, I went to a study break with my friends where we made…BADGES! I am an undergrad student with a toddler’s heart, so anything that involves arts and crafts and brownies excite me.Here are the three badges that I made and some very informative information about them.

1) Title: “Egg with a face and limbs”
Time to make: 5 minutes
Grade (out of 5 stars): ★★★☆☆
For those who have read my previous post at around week 8, this friendly looking fellow might seem familiar. This is the nameless egg with a face and limbs that I drew on a cookie that I made for Valentine’s day. I decided to draw it again on a badge to commemorate the approximately 3 hours he was intact before someone ate him. My friend also made her version of the egg, so now we have matching egg pins on our backpacks!



    2) Title: “Meh”
    Time to make: 3 minutes
    Grade (out of 5 stars): ★★★★☆
    This represents my emotion for the entirety of 10
    th week. Just sitting through last classes for this term, finishing up my assignments, being a college student, and just meh.



      3) Title: “Me”
      Time to make: 2 minutes
      Grade (out of 5 stars): ★★★★★
      This is a self-portrait. I’ve always been bad at drawing, so whenever I draw myself, this is what I draw. I am proud of myself for being able to capture the essential parts of my facial structure like my eyes and mouth. However, I am disappointed in myself that I failed to include my nose and ears.



      This will be my last post for winter term. Good bye! See you all in Spring.


      An is a freshman from Japan who is thankful that Minneapolis has a direct flight from Tokyo. She loves animals, both stuffed and alive, and one of the hardest parts of packing for college for her was choosing which plushie to bring to Carleton or, sadly, leave at home. She is currently undecided about her major and is excited to explore new subjects.