April 24, 2022
Alums Are Your Best Friends
Kai talks about a huge perk of coming to Carleton: supportive alumni!
Kai talks about a huge perk of coming to Carleton: supportive alumni!
Andriana writes about her externship experience with the Career Center!
Kai talks about his experience with Carleton’s Externship Program over winter break.
Jancyn discusses the avenues in which Carls pursue Fellowships and research.
McKenna shares how the Career Center and Student Fellowships Office helped her find cool opportunities this year.
In which Greta chats with Holly, her boss at Admissions, who is also from Vermont and also majored in Latin American Studies at Carleton (wild world)
In which Greta reflects on her winter externship, how it’s helped her network, and inspired her to explore a new career path: environmental publishing