Thoughts on First-Year Fall
Quinn shares some advice for incoming first-years!
Quinn shares some advice for incoming first-years!
Will talks about his mental health struggles and how he overcame them
Yahnee talks about her choice to switch from STEM to the Humanities.
Lexi shares some lessons she has learned from completing the Writing Portfolio this term.
Lexi discusses some factors that should be taken into account when considering whether or not to drop a class.
Lexi shares some advice she has gathered as a freshly declared sophomore.
Lexi reflects on things in her dorm room that are essential and well, not-so-much.
Lexi walks us through her experience combatting perfectionism, and some recommendations for others.
Lexi shares even more tips and tricks to be successful in language courses at Carleton.
Lexi describes her journey back to Carleton after Winter Break.
Hannah explains how she uses one of Carleton’s academic resources: The Math Skills Center.
The many ways in which cooking has become part of Fátima’s college experience.