The Beginning of the Middle: My Classes this Winter Term
Inigo runs through the classes he’s taking this term
Inigo runs through the classes he’s taking this term
Will discusses how to use your long winter break as time to recharge during the school year
Kate talks about how to build good habits at Carleton.
Kate reflects on her favorite little things from fall term before leaving to study abroad in the winter
Agnes Boahen explains her reasoning for choosing a liberal arts college
Kate talks about some of her favorite places to visit off of Carleton’s campus
Jincheng talks about what jobs she works on campus and what they’re like!
Quinn shares some advice for incoming first-years!
If I had a magic wand… …I’d probably wish for world peace and end world hunger first, but after that, I might construct a day at Carleton that looks a…
Will takes some inspiration from a 40 things to do when you turn 40 article to discuss his term away from Carleton!
Will talks about his mental health struggles and how he overcame them
Quinn shares some of their experiences at Carleton through her photo reel