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Being a Summer Carl

Margie writes about what Carleton College students do over the summer!

Margie writes about what Carleton College students do over the summer!

Many Carleton students leave campus for our summer break, but a mighty few stay on campus to pursue all sorts of activities, work, and fun.

This blog I’m gonna call on some friends to help me provide examples of what summer activities and roles are available to students here!

Admissions Fellow!

I am currently working as a Summer Admissions Fellow where I write blog posts, lead tours, and generally help around the office. All of my coworkers are Carleton students so I am excited about the new friends I have made and all the cool things I have learned!

The summer fellows smiling and standing on the Carleton sign
What a lovely group 🙂

Summer Liberal Arts Institute

Last summer I had the opportunity to work for our Summer Liberal Arts Institute, as a Program and Community of Assistant (PACA). I spent time doing office tasks, planning events for high schoolers, overseeing high schoolers like a camp counselor and of course driving golf carts! I have made some life long friends from that program.

The PACAs on the Carleton sign
Another amazing group of people

Research – A Few Different experiences

A large amount of students staying over the summer at Carleton partake in research. Often times with a Carleton professor. There are opportunities across many fields, both in STEM, and Humanities.

A large amount of students are working in Anderson, our science complex. This summer Gabe is doing astrophysics research with the Physics Department. His work involves generating and interpreting computer simulations of a distant solar system. Gabe is really enjoying the problem-solving nature of the project and the chance to work more closely with the Physics faculty!

Maika, a Linguistics major, shared with me what they spent their summer doing here at Carleton. Maika is currently working with one of the linguistics professors on campus. As a linguistics major, Maika finds it difficult finding work opportunities related to my major, so she’s grateful for the chance to get some experience! They are researching Indonesian by reading papers, analyzing data, and discussing their findings with each other.

Maika and Cati doing work in the library
Two linguists hard at work!

Another experience is from Alex, a History major. Alex worked this summer as a Student Research Partner with Professor Victoria Morse to research and create unit proposals for her new class: “The Global Middle Ages.” Alex’s research group spent their time discussing methodology, investigating various stories from the global medieval world, and learning how to put together a Carleton course, all funded by the Humanities Center. He learned lots of great things about the Middle Ages and really enjoyed spending time with fellow Carleton students!

Office Work

Another opportunity students have is to work with various offices on campus. Jack, another Linguistics major, is working on campus as an office assistant for the Psychology Department. He loves getting to talk to the professors and help out with everything that needs to get done. Earlier in the summer, Professor Julia Strand hosted a conference for other psychology professors and he shuttled attendees to and from the airport.

Off-Campus Internship

Some students also work for off-campus internships and jobs, while staying close to campus. Jasmine, a statistics major, is currently working as a materials intern with Daikin Applied. She is doing supply chain data analysis and working on a project called “Plan for Every Part” which is a data tool used for efficiency and inventory optimization, which can lead to maximum profits for the company. She was able to work with many people and learn different perspectives from various departments. It was also interesting to do data collecting and research in the office but also be in the warehouse to see the actual production that happens.

Jasmine in the warehouse!
Jasmine in the warehouse, seeing some of the inventory!

Thank you so much to my friends, Jasmine, Maika, Gabe, Jack, and Alex for sending me photos and bios of what they have been up to this summer!

If Margie (she/they) were a place at Carleton, they would be Sayles, Carleton’s bustling student center! Margie is a Varsity Basketball player, is a DJ for KRLX, Carleton’s student-run radio station, and occasionally participates in Carleton Association of Nature and Outdoor Enthusiasts (CANOE). In her free time, Margie works at a food truck!