Accessibility Resources Staff
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Operating Principles
- Carleton College prohibits and actively discourages discrimination against students with disabilities. Toward this end, the College will continue to develop training and resources to promote sensitivity and awareness of student disability issues.
- The College is committed to providing equal access and reasonable accommodations, where appropriate, for qualified disabled students. The College will continue to develop and coordinate policies and procedures, provide services, and insure access to academic programs, activities, and facilities.
- The College will provide leadership in addressing access for students with disabilities and will be responsible for implementing the principles of equal access.
- The College will organize its disability services in a way that promotes, to the greatest reasonable extent, self-determination for students with disabilities.
- The College respects the independence, rights, and dignity of students with disabilities: consequently, requests for accommodation or identification of a disability will be voluntary with the student.
- The College will treat data on students with disabilities with confidentiality in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In general, no information will be requested for administrative purposes except information that is necessary for program development, assessment and determination of reasonable accommodation, or as required by law.